We exist to improve healthcare, through transportation, for millions of patients and thousands of providers.
Meet the team
Icon of a white arrow pointing to the right.Icon of a white arrow pointing to the right.
Hospitals and health systems are burdened by outdated transportation processes, little to no data or process visibility, disjointed tech stacks, zero automation, unnecessary external costs, and high manual effort for their teams.
Clinical staff and case managers are burdened by lack of resources, staffing, and time — exacerbated by tedious manual scheduling processes (including pen, paper, fax, etc.) when trying to arrange transportation for their patients.
Discharged patients are burdened when transportation problems and delays result in their having to wait in a hospital bed or emergency department for hours, waiting excessively to return home or back to their long-term care facility.
Incoming patients are burdened with long admission wait times before being seen by care providers when transportation problems result in existing patients (who have already been treated) having to wait to be transported home.
Ask us how we helped one major health system save 900+ bed days through transportation improvements.
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Icon of a white arrow pointing to the right.Icon of a white arrow pointing to the right.